Always use your glasses when flying
When you are going to fly, wear your glasses, instead of your lenses. You never know what's going to happen... we once had a flight in Indonesia, and when we arrived at the (tiny) airport, they told us the flight was canceled.
Three days later was the new date. The thing is: normally we didn't care at all, because we had no tight schedule, but this day we were about to see friends from back home, and we only had 3 days with them. So we told them it was super important that we had a flight the same day. They start checking schedules, and in the end we could fly the same day, only 5 hours later. And .... minor detail: this was going to be not only 1 but 3 flights... :P
So, there we arrived (after 3 flights) in the middle of the night, without our luggage. Because of all the transfers the luggage didn't travel with us. The backpacks would be brought to the hotel the next morning. There i was, wearing very dry lenses, and no lens cleaning solution with me. At the (small) airport of course every shop was closed (it was around 2 in the morning) and a custom attendent was very helpfull bringing me 3 reading glasses for old ladies, which was so sweet, but didn't do it for me.
Luckily we were treated on a really luxurous hotel in Makassar by the parents of my boyfriend, so the next morning we had a lovely, tasty breakfast!